Monday, July 23, 2012

Autism Awareness

Hi, everyone,

Sorry for the long absence. Events in my life recently have diverted my attention from writing this blog, the most damaging being the death of one of my students.

As some of you are aware, I no longer cook in restaurants. A decade of professional kitchen work has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and experience in catering, kitchen management, food science, health and nutrition, utilization of fresh produce, international cuisines, bread making, baking, pastries, and confections.

It also wore me out and led me to take a hard look at what I wanted out of my life and my career.

A little over a year ago, I was offered the opportunity to take my career in a new direction. I now find great pride in taking the knowledge and skill that I have garnered from a life in the kitchen and using it to teach the clients and staff of Community Support Services, a non-profit organization providing community based support to people with autism and developmental disabilities.

Recently, George Kenton, an individual with whom I had worked very closely, passed away suddenly. The cause was unknown.

I would like to dedicate this post to George, and encourage everyone reading to learn more about the organizations in your area that do work in the autism community. Donations are always helpful, but the best way to support the community is to volunteer. Sometimes the most important thing you can give a person in need is a helping hand, or a patient ear.

Thank you,


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